Monday, December 24, 2012

Geoffrey Canada on Friday's NRA statement: "That was the most irresponsible...hurtful response to an American tragedy that I have heard"

n response to Friday morning's public statement by NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre – the first public remarks by the National Rifle Association since last week's shooting in Newtown, Conn. – this evening "Piers Morgan Tonight" invites Geoffrey Canada, president and CEO of the Harlem Children's Zone, to share his insight and reactions:

"That was the most irresponsible, and I think, hurtful response to an American tragedy that I have heard," said Canada, referencing LaPierre's suggestion of more firearms as an answer for the current epidemic of gun violence in the country. "He should be ashamed of himself to come and tell the American people 'I am not going to do anything reasonable – not one thing.'"

As the pro-gun lobby continues to laud the value of military grade weapons – the likes of which have been used in several recent mass killings – Canada voices his opposition:

"It is shameful because they can give you not one logical reason that an American citizen needs an assault weapon. Not one. They aren't good for hunting, they serve no purpose," says the 60-year-old social activist. "In the hands of someone really mentally ill, they can do damage that is inconceivable to us."

Watch the clip, and listen to the interview, then tune in this evening at 9 as Canada further explains the pressing need to address this issue through legislation, so as to better "protect our children."

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